Keep Your Head 

Provides information on mental health and wellbeing support and local services available for young people and adults across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.


How Are You (H.A.Y.)

An interactive local website that brings together information on activities and support available in your local community to help boost mental health and wellbeing


Mind – CPSLMind

A mental health charity providing a range of services and support for people suffering with mental health problems and promoting positive mental health across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.  


Crisis Support 

If you feel you are in a mental health crisis, urgent support is available in our area 24/7 through 111. Simply dial 111 and select option 2. You will be put through to a trained advisor who will speak to you and discuss your current mental health needs. 

111 option 2

Psychological Wellbeing Service

Psychological therapy for mild to moderate depression or anxiety for anyone aged 17+. You do not need a diagnosis to access the service and can self-refer by visiting their website
